Fabrice Pellerin: les clés de la réussite

Le coach des nageurs Yannick Agnel, Camille Muffat et Clément Lefert a souhaité sortir du bassin ses visions de la pédagogie pour les plonger dans le bain du grand public. Ses recettes d’équilibre de vie sont à présent disponible dans un livre. Pour le bien de tous, surtout des non sportifs. Il a emmené Yannick…

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Kanye West: un poteau en pleine tête

Il aurait pu être le Pierre Richard du rap avec cet incident douloureux mais digne d’un gag. Mais Kanye West n’a pas fait preuve d’un grand sens de l’humour … Difficile d’être une star médiatisée. Encore plus, de former avec sa compagne LE couple du moment. Pour faire face aux paparazzis il faut avoir la…

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Britney Spears: découvrez les premières images de Work Bitch

Ses longues séances de gym ont fini par porter leurs fruits. Cette semaine, Britney Spears le prouve en s’affichant très dévêtue pour son nouveau clip, dont elle dévoile un extrait. Dans Work Bitch, son single très dance produit par Will.I.am, la pop star repart comme en quarante. « Juste un petit avant-goût pour vous tenir…

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The most exclusive dining club in Brussels

Manfred Weber, Martin Schulz, Jean-Claude Juncker, Frans Timmermans, Gianni Pittella (left to right) | Ken Fallin The most exclusive dining club in Brussels Inside the G5 where ‘the best jokes are told’ and major EU policies are pre-cooked. By Tara Palmeri 6/18/15, 5:30 AM CET Updated 6/18/15, 1:44 PM CET The list of power centers…

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EU drugs partnership gets new chief

Innovative Medicines Initiative is Europe's largest public-private drug research programme | EPA EU drugs partnership gets new chief The head of Genome Canada will take over in September as executive director of the Innovative Medicines Initiative. By Peter O’Donnell 6/15/15, 11:00 AM CET Updated 6/16/15, 10:49 AM CET Europe’s €3.3 billion drug research program, the…

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The next 12 hours on Greece

The next 12 hours on Greece There are three major story lines to watch as Europe responds to the resounding No vote. By Stephen Brown 7/6/15, 1:10 PM CET Updated 7/6/15, 1:28 PM CET Greece’s overwhelming No vote against austerity measures shocked many European leaders and policymakers, leaving them scrambling Monday for a way to avoid a…

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Snowden’s biggest European fan stays loyal

Edward Snowden is one of Jan Philipp Albrecht’s folk heroes. The Paris attacks didn’t change his mind, but the terrorists made his job harder. As the lead negotiator for the European Parliament on the General Data Protection Regulation, the German Green is the driving force behind a law that will harmonize data protection rules across Europe. The aim…

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Malmström: TTIP should be ‘sustainable’

Anti-TTIP rally, October 10, 2015 in Amsterdam. | JERRY LAMPEN/AFP/Getty Images Malmström: TTIP should be ‘sustainable’ European Commission wants to ensure that the EU-U.S. trade deal boosts labor rights and environmental protection. By Hans von der Burchard 11/6/15, 4:29 PM CET Updated 11/6/15, 11:31 PM CET The European Commission launched a new effort Friday to counter criticism…

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Michael Moore Challenges Elizabeth Warren: Capitalism Economically Enslaves People

Left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore took a swipe at Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) during the Democratic Presidential debate on Tuesday, saying that her “accountable capitalism” platform endorses a system that enslaves people. The far-left Farenheit 9/11 director also slammed candidates Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar, and Pete Buttigieg for their defense of capitalism in the health care system….

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Gassing up Europe

EPA Gassing up Europe Slumping prices and sagging demand in Asia are making Europe more interesting for gas exports. By Sara Stefanini 8/31/15, 3:31 PM CET Updated 9/1/15, 11:28 PM CET Top EU officials have been on the road from Morocco to Turkmenistan hoping to tie up new gas deals to wean the bloc off…

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