Dans les labos, un test sérologique pour "s'assurer que l'on a rien"

Click:deep groove ball bearingIl y a les inquiets, les prudents, les curieux: en file indienne sur un bout de trottoir, ils patientent devant un laboratoire d’analyse. Tous sont venus faire un test sérologique au covid-19, avant de voir un parent, revenir au bureau, ou simplement pour se rassurer. Il y a les inquiets, les prudents,…

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Don't Panic About 'Murder Hornet' Invasion, Rutgers Expert Says

NEWARK, NJ — Are giant, invasive “murder hornets” from Asia invading the United States? Fuggetaboutit, a New Jersey expert says. Click Here: Cheap France Rugby Jersey The insect known as Vespa mandarinia may be capturing news headlines, some of which have dubbed it the “murder hornet,” but it hasn’t been spotted in North America beyond…

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Florida Governor Extends Suspension Of Foreclosures, Evictions

MIAMI, FL — Facing an unprecedented wave of unemployment caused by the coronavirus shutdown, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has extended his earlier order halting all foreclosures and residential evictions. The governor’s original order, which had been in effect until May 17, will now expire at 12:01 a.m. on June 2, according to the extension signed…

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Closing NJ Parks Amid Coronavirus Wasn't A Whim: Gov. Murphy

TRENTON, NJ — Despite two days of outcry from residents after ordering all state and county parks to close in the ongoing outbreak of the new coronavirus, Gov. Phil Murphy said the closures were a thought-out decision — and they will stay in place. “We didn’t just wake up on a whim and decide to…

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CoVid-19 : non, le nombre de décès ne repart pas à la hausse

En début de semaine, la presse s’est fait l’écho d’un bilan des morts du coronavirus en hausse le 12 mai par rapport au 11 mai. En réalité, il s’agit d’un rattrapage des données partiellement communiquées les week-ends. “Covid-19 : 348 décès en 24 heures, le nombre de morts de nouveau en hausse”, “Coronavirus en France…

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MA Residents Starting To Move, Despite Stay-At-Home Advisory

Click:Lighting BOSTON — Americans are starting to move about more freely despite the continuing spread of the new coronavirus, even in states like Massachusetts where stay-at-home orders and advisories are still in place. Click Here: cheap Cowboys jersey Cellphone tracking data compiled by Google in its community mobility reports shows that people are traveling more,…

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How Profit And Incompetence Delayed N95 Masks While People Died At The VA

By J. David McSwane/ProPublica Before embarking on a 36-hour tour through an underground of contractors and middlemen trying to make a buck on the nation’s desperate need for masks, entrepreneur Robert Stewart Jr. offered an unusual caveat. “I’m talking with you against the advice of my attorney,” the man in the shiny gray suit, an…

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Whitmer Talks Plans Of Reopening Economy Amid Coronavirus

MICHIGAN — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Monday discussed aspects of a plan that would eventually begin to open the state’s economy, but she noted there is still a ways to go. The plan, called “MI Safe Start,” weighs several factors when considering whether to open a particular workplace, and it builds off many measures already…

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12 New Coronavirus Cases, 2 Deaths Confirmed In King County

SEATTLE, WA — Health officials on Sunday confirmed 12 new cases of COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, in King County, including two deaths. The new numbers bring the county’s total to 83. More than 100 cases have been confirmed in Washington, with 19 reported deaths. The two new deaths are a woman in…

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Le jaque, ce fruit indien qui suscite un appétit international

Avec sa texture fibreuse et sa chair ferme au goût sucré, le jaque est passé du statut de "fruit du pauvre" dans le sud de l’Inde à celui d’aliment tendance à travers le monde, prisé notamment comme substitut à la viande par végétariens et végétaliens. Le jaque, ce fruit indien qui suscite un appétit international<br…

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