The show opens with a recap of the SummerSlam match between Drew Gulak and Oney Lorcan, in which Gulak retained the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. The opening credits roll. Aiden English, Nigel McGuinness, and Vic Joseph are on commentary.
Tonight’s main event: Drew Gulak defends the WWE Cruiserweight Championship against Oney Lorcan.

Match #1 – Singles Match: Jack Gallagher vs. Akira Tozawa (w/The Brian Kendrick)
Gallagher takes Tozawa down and applies a headlock, but Tozawa turns it into a head-scissors hold. Gallagher gets free and takes Tozawa down again. Gallagher applies a wrist-lock, but Tozawa gets free. Gallagher drops him with a shoulder tackle, but Tozawa comes back and locks in the Iron Octopus. Gallagher gets free, but Tozawa drops him with a right hand. Tozawa sends Gallagher to the corner, but Gallagher counters and slams Tozawa into the ring post. Tozawa gets back into the ring and Gallagher goes for the cover, but Tozawa kicks out at two. Tozawa is cut open, so the referee treats the wound and allows the match to continue.
Gallagher takes Tozawa down and drives his knee into his back. Tozawa gets free and takes Gallagher down with a Shining Wizard. Tozawa goes up top for the senton, but Gallagher rolls out of the way. Gallagher applies the Gory Special, but Tozawa gets free and kicks him to the floor. Tozawa takes Gallagher out with a suicide dive and rolls him back into the ring. Tozawa delivers a missile dropkick and goes for the cover, but Gallagher kicks out at two. Gallagher backs Tozawa into the corner and delivers a few elbows, but Tozawa comes back and slams Gallagher to the mat. Tozawa kicks Gallagher in the face and goes for the cover, but he kicks out at two. Gallagher comes back with a dropkick and then slams Tozawa into the corner. Gallagher delivers a forearm shot and climbs, but Tozawa slams him to the mat. Tozawa connects with the senton and gets the pin fall after Kendrick slaps the rope and Gallagher’s foot falls off the rope.
Winner: Akira Tozawa

Oney Lorcan cuts a promo. He said he brought the fight to Drew Gulak and should have walked out with the Cruiserweight Championship. Lorcan says Gulak took the easy way out and punched him in the throat. Lorcan says he won’t be through with Gulak until he wins the title, and he will do that tonight. footage of Gran Metalik being found unconscious airs. Drake Maverick tells Kalisto and Lince Dorado that they are teaming with Humberto Carrillo tonight instead.
Match #2 – Six-Man Tag Team Match: Humberto Carrillo, Kalisto, and Lince Dorado vs. Ariya Daivari and The Singh Brothers (Samir and Sunil)
Carrillo and Daivari start the match. Daivari delivers a few right hands and sends Carrillo to the corner. Carrillo leap frogs and takes Daivari down with an arm-drag. Carrillo applies an arm-bar, but Daivari gets to his feet and takes Carrillo down. Sunil tags in, but Carrillo takes him down and applies an arm-bar. Carrillo turns it into a wrist-lock and Kalisto tags in. Kalisto kicks Sunil in the arm and applies a wrist-lock, and Dorado tags in. Dorado connects with a double ax handle and takes Sunil down with a cross-body. Dorado goes for the cover, but Sunil kicks out. Kalisto tags in and he and Dorado double-team Sunil. Carrillo thinks he tags in and he goes for the cover, but the referee says no. Kalisto delivers a few chops to Sunil and then kicks Samir to the floor. Sunil takes Kalisto down and tags in Daivari.
Daivari goes for the cover, but the referee says he didn’t see it. Sunil comes back in and tags Daivari again. Daivari takes Kalisto down and applies a headlock on the mat. Daivari delivers a spine-buster and goes for the cover, but Kalisto kicks out at two. Samir tags in and delivers a few elbow drops to Kalisto. Samir goes for the cover, but Kalisto kicks out at two. Samir applies a waist-lock and Sunil tags in. Kalisto kicks The Singhs in the head and goes for the tag, but Dorado gets pulled to the floor. Carrillo tags in and clotheslines Sunil in the corner. Carrillo delivers a dropkick and then connects with a standing moonsault. Carrillo goes for the cover, but Daivari breaks it up.
Kalisto drops Daivari, the Singhs drop Kalisto, and Carrillo and Dorado double superkick the Singhs. Carrillo and Dorado take the Singhs out on the floor and then Daivari leaves the match. Carrillo delivers a missile dropkick to Sunil and goes up top again. Dorado tags in as Carrillo splashes onto Sunil. Dorado hits the Shooting Star Press and gets the pin fall.
Winners: Lince Dorado, Humberto Carrillo, and Kalisto

Drew Gulak cuts a promo. He says change in inevitable, but he is haunted by his past. He says Tony Nese, Isaiah Scott, and Oney Lorcan have stepped to him like nothing has changed. He says all is fair in war and he will dismantle everyone piece by piece. He says the only certain thing in the world is change, and he is the law.

Tony Nese cuts a promo. He says he lost his chance to go to SummerSlam, so now he is going to start from scratch. He says he will do whatever he can to win the Cruiserweight Championship again.

Match #3 – WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match: Drew Gulak (c) vs. Oney Lorcan
Lorcan connects with right hands and slams Gulak into the corner. Lorcan delivers a chop and a kick and Gulak rolls to the floor. Gulak gets back into the ring, but Lorcan drops him with a half-and-half suplex. Gulak rolls to the floor again, but Lorcan comes off the top and takes him out. Lorcan rolls Gulak back into the ring and goes for the cover, but Gulak kicks out at two. Lorcan puts Gulak up top and sets up for a suplex, but Gulak cuts him off and elbows him to the floor. Gulak slams Lorcan throat-first into the announce table and then onto the apron. Lorcan gets back into the ring at the nine count, but Gulak stomps him into the mat. Gulak delivers a chop in the corner, and then a corner clothesline. Gulak connects with a suplex and goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out at two. Gulak wrenches Lorcan’s neck, and then wraps him in the ropes and delivers more shots.
Gulak delivers a neck-breaker and goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out at two. Gulak chokes Lorcan with his boot and slams him into the apron. Gulak goes for another cover, but Lorcan kicks out again. Lorcan fights back with right hands, but Gulak kicks him in the face. Gulak connects with a flying clothesline and goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out at two. Gulak applies a headlock, but Lorcan fights back with uppercuts. Lorcan runs the ropes and delivers another one and goes for the cover, but Gulak kicks out at two. Lorcan delivers a Blockbuster and a clothesline and goes for the cover again, but Gulak kicks out at two. Lorcan delivers hip attacks in the corner, but Gulak dodges the last one. Gulak slams Lorcan to the mat and goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out at two. Gulak sets up for the Cyclone Crash, but Lorcan gets free.
Lorcan runs the ropes, but Gulak drops him with a clothesline. Gulak goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out. Gulak sets Lorcan up top and climbs as well. Gulak delivers right hands, but Lorcan gets free and knocks Gulak onto the turnbuckle. Lorcan delivers the half-and-half suplex from the top and goes for the cover, but Gulak gets his foot on the rope at two. Gulak rolls to the floor, but Lorcan follows him. Lorcan slams Gulak into the barricade and then the announce table. Lorcan slams Gulak into the steps and tosses him back into the ring. Gulak catches him with a roll-up for two, but Lorcan chops Gulak in the throat. Lorcan delivers more chops and goes for the cover, but Gulak kicks out at two. Lorcan smacks Gulak across the back, but Gulak comes back and locks in the Gu-Lock and Lorcan passes out.
Winner and still WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Drew GulakClick Here:

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