CM Punk is featured in the new trailer for the upcoming third season of the Netflix original series, Ultimate Beastmaster: Survival of the Fittest,” which returns to the digital subscription service on August 31st.

Punk took to social media on Monday to comment on the return of the show and being featured in the trailer.

“Start your Monday (it’s Monday, right?) off with the first trailer for season three of Beastmaster,” wrote Punk on his Twitter page yesterday. “Debuts on Netflix [on] August 31st!!! Listen to the sexy voice of Stu Bennett.”

After forgetting to post the trailer video in his tweet, Punk returned with a second post and wrote,”Oh! And here’s the trailer I forgot to put in my last tweet.”

Check out the trailer, as well as the official synopsis for Ultimate Beastmaster: Survival of the Fittest” below.

“A new group of competitors with impressive athleticism and inspiring stories face the world’s toughest obstacle course. Tiki Barber and CM Punk host. Ultimate Beastmaster: Survival Of The Fittest” comes to Netflix on August 31.”

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