Laeticia Hallyday vivant à Los Angeles depuis plusieurs années, rien d’étonnant à ce qu’elle célèbre la fête des Mères aux États-Unis, le 12 mai 2019. Ce dimanche, tout juste rentrée de son dernier voyage au Vietnam, la veuve de Johnny Hallyday a pu compter sur ses deux filles adorées Jade et Joy, 14 et 10 ans, pour être gâtée dès le réveil. Une joyeuse journée dont la maman de 44 ans a partagé un extrait sur son compte Instagram.
The sweetest of awakenings on this special day in the US #HappyMothersday I’m blessed Jade and Joy my loves my everything you are my pride, my happiness my light. You help me so much every day, you are exceptional, you are my best allies, and also somewhere, my guides in this difficult mourning for us. You are dazzling with wisdom and peace, you are out of the ordinary like your father and you are only love and kindness. I am proud to see you grow with as much strength and resilience. This is my reminder every day that LOVE is ALL that matters..Love is all we need Happy mother day to all the brave, strong, beautiful, kind, and selfless women in my life and To YOU #Motherhood
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Happy Mother’s Day Mom! I love you to the moon and back,I’m beyond blessed to have you as my mother. You mean the world to me, and I’m so grateful to you for making the person I am today Je t aime.