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WWE Winnipeg Live Event Results
Winnipeg, Canada
Results Courtesy of

First up, Finn Balor pinned Bray Wyatt after the Coup de Gras. Good match to start the show as Balor was way over, and even Wyatt getting some cheers.

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Next was Neville getting the win over Cruiserweight Champion, Enzo Amore by DQ after Enzo hit Neville with the Cruiserweight belt following a pretty one sided match with Neville dominating most of the match. Neville still playing a heel, teasing the Red Arrow but then changing his mind.

Elias and Dash Wilder did a duet to an Alice In Chains cover song ripping on Winnipeg to big boos. Titus O’Neil and Apollo Crews interrupted the “concert” which led to the next match.

Titus and Apollo defeating Elias and Wilder in a pretty basic match.

Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose beat The Miztaurage (Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel) in a pretty good match after Seth hit a superkick on Bo who ran into Dirty Deeds from Ambrose for the pin.

Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman pinned Sheamus w/ Cesaro to retain the Universal Title. Paul Heyman doing his usual introduction for Brrrrrock Lessssnar!!! Brock easily got the pop of the night and is even more impressive to see in action live then tv does him justice. The suplex count hit 9 on Sheamus, who actually got a fair amount of offense in, hitting White Noise and the Celtic Cross, followed by 3 Brogue kicks. Brock kicked out then came back and landed an F5 for the win. Cesaro got involved after the match and got an F5 as well. Fun match!

After intermission it was a Fatal 5 Way for the Raw Women’s Championship.

Alexa Bliss retained her title over Sasha Banks, Mickie James, Emma, and Bayley, getting the pin on Bayley after a DDT.

The Miz pinned Jason Jordan to retain the Intercontinental Title. The Miz is a master of working the crowd and is easily one of the best in the business right now. The Miztaurage got tossed from ringside after interfering, but Miz still able to get the win. Jason Jordan has Xpac heat right now as nobody even cares.

In the Main Event, Roman Reigns beat Braun Strowman by DQ after Braun nailed Roman with the ring stairs. After the match Braun set up a table in the corner of the ring, but ate 2 Superman punches, followed by a Spear through the table. Braun got a massive pop, and Roman was booed heavily.

Kind of  a dull way to end the night with the second DQ finish and the crowd not leaving happy, as people were booing Roman as he was celebrating with some fans after the match.

Pops of the night:

Brock Lesnar!!!!!!!!

Braun Strowman

Finn Balor

The Miz

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