Commission approves aid for Hypo Real Estate
Troubled lender will receive extra money from the German government.
The European Commission today (24 September) approved German government aid for ailing Hypo Real Estate (HRE) bank. It approved additional state guarantees worth €40 billion and the transfer of €200bn of toxic and other assets into a new body, which will then be wound up.
The measures were approved on a temporary basis in order to ensure the stability of HRE. The Commission said it would take a final view on the compatibility of the measures with EU state aid rules depending on the outcome of an ongoing investigation into the restructuring of the bank.
Joaquín Almunia, the European commissioner for competition, said in a statement that he had doubts about the long-term viability of HRE.
HRE, which invested heavily in American mortgage-backed securities, was severely affected by the financial crisis and was taken into state ownership in 2009. It has been given state guarantees worth €105bn and a capital injection of €7.9bn.