A few fractions of gift card owners spend the money on purchasing items from retail stores, but many holders often look for ways to sell gift cards for cash or crypto. This behaviour has motivated an opportunity for many platforms that exchange gift vouchers for fiat cash or crypto, and Paxful is one of these online platforms.

Before we begin, if you want to sell gift cards in exchange for Naira, Bitcoins, USDT, or Cedis, you should consider Prestmit. It is a cross-platform digital exchange that makes trading gift cards online a delightful process.

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About Paxful Platform

Paxful is an online blockchain peer-to-peer network and app that allows people to buy and sell cryptos like bitcoin, Ethereum, and tether. It offers over 350 methods of payment. Many people worldwide use Paxful as a medium to sell gift cards.

One important thing to note about Paxful is that you can only sell gift cards for bitcoins and other cryptos. After a successful trade, the crypto is automatically added to your Paxful wallet. It is safe to say that gift cards are one of the acceptable modes of payment for any chosen crypto. Hence, you can buy any crypto using your gift card. However, when you find a suitable buyer, you can sell the crypto for cash.

Gift Cards With Highest Rates

Gift card rates vary from each other due to some factors. The most common factor is the demand and supply of the gift card in question. The rate is usually high for popular cards with high demand and limited supply. The rates offered are quite low for cards with limited demand and abundant supply.

Some gift cards with the highest rates are Steam gift card, Razer Gold gift card, Footlocker gift card, Amazon gift card etc.

How To Sell Gift Cards On Paxful

You can sell your gift cards on Paxful using the simple steps below;

1. Sign up:  Firstly, create an account on the platform. You will automatically be given your free Bitcoin wallet. The wallet will be used for your future earnings, so you need to secure it with a strong password, enable two steps verification and verify your ID.

2. Find an offer – Create an offer by clicking on the left top corner of the homepage, you will be taken to the offer creation page, click on buy bitcoin, select the method of payment  as gift card,, the amount you want to spend (the amount of gift card you want to sell) and your preferred currency, then click Search for Offers. Search through the list of available offers, select the one that is the best fit for you, and study the seller’s terms and conditions.

3. Start trading – If you are satisfied with the seller’s terms and conditions, input the amount of Bitcoin you want to buy, and start the trade, which will open a live chat with the seller. Ensure to provide the buyer with all proofs of the gift card which shows it’s valid and yours. You can send the receipt photo of the card and also a screenshot of the gift card balance.

Follow the seller’s instructions to make the payment and confirm it.

4. Accept the Bitcoin – The seller will then release the Bitcoin directly into your Paxful wallet through the escrow system after you have confirmed the transaction. 

The steps above are how to sell gift cards In Paxful. If you also wish to get some cash, you can sell the bitcoin using cash as your preferred payment method.

With these simple steps above, you can quickly sell your gift cards on Paxful.
