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As we have been reporting throughout the week, WWE NXT newcomer Lio Rush has garnered a tremendous amount of heat for a Twitter comment he made following the WWE release of Emma this past Sunday.

On the latest edition of “The Jim Cornette Experience”, host Jim Cornette weighed-in on the situation, and blasted Rush for making the comment, which had nothing to do with a TV or pro wrestling story line.

“He was never in any angle with her,” Cornette said. “He wasn’t playing up any relationship he had to her that they had on television…he was just some fu**ing flunky in NXT, that made a comment about one of the girls on the main roster getting fired. So right there you’ve got a level of stupidity that’s pretty remarkable in this day and age.”

Read Also: How Rush Avoided Being Fired For Emma Comment

Cornette went on to criticize reports of Lio Rush no-selling a finishing maneuver when he was on his way out of the independents headed to NXT, and Cornette the following to say:

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“It was his last night in the promotion and he wanted to get a big pop before he reported to work the next day for NXT. You fu**ing moron, you blithering idiot, you simpering simpleton, you fu**ing complete and utter abysmally ignorant mentally handicapped dwarf minded goof”.

You can listen to more of Cornette’s comments in the video player below.

If any of the above quotes are used for article purposes, please credit for the transcription.

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