Left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore took a swipe at Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) during the Democratic Presidential debate on Tuesday, saying that her “accountable capitalism” platform endorses a system that enslaves people.

The far-left Farenheit 9/11 director also slammed candidates Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar, and Pete Buttigieg for their defense of capitalism in the health care system.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said during the televised debate that “corporations only care about their bottom line. I have a plan for that. It’s accountable capitalism.”

Sen. Warren was referring to a plan she announced earlier this month called the Accountable Capitalism Act, which would redistribute trillions of dollars from corporations and executives to the middle class. The act would also mandate that corporations act in a closer capacity with its employees and communities.

Moore hit back at Warren on social media during Tuesday’s debate, saying that the candidate’s stance on capitalism wasn’t strong enough.

“Senator Warren (whom I love) just said she believes in ‘accountable capitalism.’ There is no such thing,” the left-wing documentarian tweeted. “The only thing capitalism is accountable to is weath and more wealth for the wealthy. It’s only mission is to economically enslave the citizenry so the rich can get richer.”

Moore also lashed out at other Democratic candidates who defended a capitalist-based health care system, saying they are boosting Republican chances of winning in the 2020 elections.

“Joe Biden, Amy K and Pete B just boosted the Republican chances of winning in November 2020 by their passionate defense of the for-profit, capitalist-greed health “care” system. #DemocraticDebate,” he said.

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