ROH star Silas Young recently spoke with Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated’s Extra Mustard, and below are some interview highlights:

On overcoming a heroin addiction:

“There are certain situations in life that are character-building, and I feel like that was one of those moments in my life,” said Young. “Sometimes, the battles with yourself are the hardest battles, and that goes for a lot of people. Our own worst enemies are often ourselves, so it takes a lot of mental checking-in-with-yourself–almost giving yourself a daily mental pep talk–because our biggest opponent is our self.”

On working with Jay Lethal:

“Jay Lethal is the face of the company, and he’s a guy who is very well-respected in the wrestling industry,” said Young. “To be able to have a program and ‘Last Man Standing’ match with him, and to walk away as the winner, that was a huge step for me and my career. It lit a fire under me, and helped propel me along toward the World Television title.”

On being ROH TV Champion:

“I want to take this title and run with it,” said Young. “It’s a hard task to accomplish, but I want to raise the Ring of Honor World Television title and elevate it higher than it’s ever been. I also want to live up to it; what the title means, the standards former champions have set, and surpass it. I’m up for the challenge.”

Source :

Sports Illustrated

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