The TPP, a far-reaching trade agreement being negotiated behind closed doors, threatens the open Internet, a group of nearly 30 tech companies has written in a letter to Senator Ron Wyden.

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The group urges the Oregon Democrat and current chair of the Senate Finance Committee to oppose Fast Track legislation, which would “railroad” the agreement through Congress, and writes that the policies the TPP promotes must “serve more than the narrow commercial interests of the few large corporations who have been invited to participate.”

The letter also notes Wyden’s previous actions to defend online rights, as he “led the fight against” online-piracy bills SOPA and PIPA.

Of particular concern to the coalition, which includes BoingBoing, Techdirt, Credo Mobile and reddit, are copyright provisions as well as policies that stifle innovation.

The groups write, in part:

“There is only one reason to negotiate an Internet treaty in secret: because you want to break the Internet,” Cory Doctorow, co-editor of BoingBoing, previously stated. “Moving copyright and Internet regulation out of the UN and into a series of smoke-filled rooms is a blinking red sign flashing WARNING CORRUPTION WARNING CORRUPTION for all to see.”

The letter follows a joint call and days of action by over 50 groups to stop Fast Track authority, in addition to ongoing efforts by open Internet defenders like the Electronic Frontier Foundation to urge those in the U.S. to keep up the pressure on lawmakers to oppose Fast Track.
