Some of the most basic lessons for new drivers — never drive under the influence; use extra care at night and in inclement weather; avoid leaving valuables in plain sight that could attract car thieves — also point to the top reasons that drivers run into trouble and ultimately file auto insurance claims.

But such hazards are more pronounced in some of the United States than others. For instance, statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicate that auto accidents in Texas and California are more likely to involve a fatality than in, say, Oregon or Vermont. And the federal Office of Management and Budget has determined that vehicles are much more likely to be stolen in Albuquerque or Anchorage than in Seattle or Boise.

Researchers with The Simple Dollar, a personal finance website, recently looked at several factors that contribute to vehicle problems including theft, accidents, weather and drunk driving arrests, to determine where in the U.S. drivers would be wise to carry the most comprehensive auto insurance they can get. to figure out what options make the best sense for you.”

Mittie B Brack News