ATLANTA — A giant PETA billboard featuring a football-playing chick and urging fans to “Play Nice This Sunday—Go Vegan for Your Halftime Snack” is now up outside American Wings & Seafood at 3160 Donald Lee Hollowell Parkway, where PETA said it will remain through Super Bowl weekend. “Chickens are wonderful, gentle birds, yet last year, over 600 million of them were killed for Super Bowl snacks alone,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “PETA is asking fans to let chickens keep their wings by tucking into spicy Buffalo cauliflower bites, loaded vegan nachos, and other tasty, cruelty-free snacks.”

As PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”—reveals in its “Chicken in Reverse” video, birds killed for their flesh are crammed by the tens of thousands into filthy sheds and bred to grow such unnaturally large upper bodies that their legs often become crippled under the weight. At the slaughterhouse, PETA said their throats are often cut while they’re still conscious, and many are scalded to death in de-feathering tanks.

PETA’s other efforts to “veganize” the Super Bowl in Atlanta include arranging for a mobile billboard proclaiming “Go the Extra Yard. Go, Go, Go Vegan!” to circle the stadium and be driven around downtown and for a costumed chicken mascot to hand out free vegan wings from Cafe Sunflower to passersby as an airplane flies overhead trailing a banner behind it that reads, “Let Chickens Keep Their Wings: Go Vegan.”

A list of vegan game-day recipes is available here.

Meanwhile, Patch has been publishing a series of specially prepared tailgating and game day recipes, provided by Taste Of The NFL (TNFL), which has partnered with some of the nation’s top chefs in the season-long Kick Hunger Challenge. TNFL has raised and donated in excess of $26 million to food banks and nonprofit organizations in the 32 NFL cities, resulting in more than 220 million new meals for Americans in need. For every TNFL initiative, 100% of the proceeds generated goes directly back to local communities.

Super Bowl Recipes

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Photo courtesy of James Strickland

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