WWE Raw 05/21
We are live in: Richmond, Virginia
Commentators: Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler

A quick recap of last night’s Over The Limit main event between John Cena and John Laurinaitis is shown. Cena dominates and humiliates Laurinaitis throughout the match. Laurinaitis tries to run away, but Big Show catches him and brings him back to the ring. Big Show hands Laurinaitis to Cena. Cena goes to give Laurinaitis Attitude Adjustment, but Big Show hits Cena with the Knock Out Punch. Laurinaitis pins Cena and keeps his job thanks to Big Show.

Cut to ringside. John Cena comes out and addresses the fans.

He’s had a lot of these matches. He’s won some, lost some, but he would always say congrats to his opponent and move on.

Cena pauses.

What the HELL happened? What the HELL?! Laurinaitis beat him. It’s not how it happened, it’s why the hell would something like that happen in the first place! Every since he’s been here, Laurinaitis has been a selfish, power hungry bully. Last night, Laurinaitis got a taste of his own medicine. It was great. It was everything it was supposed to be. That’s what “people people” is about. They were having fun. We all knew he was going to be gone. Then he ran and Show brought him back. Big Show…the guy that Laurinaitis humiliated and fired in this ring, brought him back. And it was fun again. He had his hand around Laurinaitis’ neck. Cena said “I got this one” and Show gave him Laurinaitis to ensure that he would be terminated. Then Big Show, who he used to call a friend, knocked him out cold making John Laurinaitis the winner.

Hindsight being 20/20, people asked why did he humiliate him all that time when he should’ve just beat him? He is glad that he did every single thing he did to Laurinaitis because he deserved all that and ten times more. What he’s not glad about is Big Show. The World’s Largest Athlete decided to sell out. He doesn’t even know what he’s thinking about. There’s no possible explanation for what he was thinking. Vickie Guerrero, Teddy Long, even the Computer would’ve been better. Instead, Show Benedict him and laid him out. This wasn’t about Cena losing, it was about Laurinaitis winning. We’re stuck with this “people power” garbage. Now we’re gonna see some graphic telling them how brave he is, and how he has a great new plan for the pay per view. This is crap!

Administrative Consultant Eve comes out.

John says Laurinaitis got hot, but he still sucks.

Even formally introduces John Laurinaitis, “the man who beat John Cena last night” to come out.

Laurinaitis comes out driving a scooter with crutches by his side. Even helps him up as he puts the crutches on.

John, after their match, he was rushed to the emergency room. The doctors say he has a possible broken clavicle and ACL, and a possibly spinal injury, plus multiple contusions over his body. He can’t move his left arm or leg. There’s potential nerve damage. That’s okay though because, as he proved last night, he’s a fierce competitor. When he’s outside the ring, he’s a WWE Executive. He wants to make sure that him, or anyone else, cannot lay a finger on him again. If they do, they will be immediately terminate. But enough about him. He would like to introduce the man who he hired and gave a great bonus to on Saturday, and the man who Cena will face in four weeks at No Way Out, the man who knocked him out…The Big Show!

Big Show comes out in a suit.

He’s sure that John, and the rest, would like an explanation for his action. None of them are entitled to it. However, last week on this show, he was on his knees to this man begging for his job. Nobody loves this business more than I do. Our fans, our superstars, our production and technical crew. He found himself crying he was so sad. All of them watched a grown man, a giant, crying on worldwide television. He’s a sell out? He got no sympathy from anyone. 18 years of his love and NOTHING! He did what he had to do. He did what anyone else would’ve done. He has an ironclad contract now, and he’s proud of it. How DARE Cena, or any of them, judge him? How dare they?! Cena, he will be judging him June 17th. There will be no way out. Because he’s going to knock him out.

Show leaves. David Otunga comes out shortly thereafter.

Cena lost to his boss, Mr. John Laurinaitis. Now, it’s time he loses to him.

Cena says he’s gonna say something real quick. He’s not in the mood. Go to the back and watch reruns of Law and Order because if he gets in the ring with him, he promises he’ll hurt him.

So be it.

Otunga dedicates the match to Mr. Laurinaitis before heading to the ring for his match with Cena.


[Match #1]
[Singles Match]
[John Cena vs. David Otunga]

The bell sounds and Cena charges after Otunga who grabs the ropes. Cena goes after him again and Otunga leaves the ring. Otunga paces outside the ring while Cena waits for him to get in. Cena then exits the ring and Otunga slides in. Cena heads in and Otunga goes back out again. Cena exits the ring and chases after him. Otunga gets back in the ring and catches Cena with punches to the back. He stops to pose for Laurinaitis. Cena catches Otunga and knocks him down with a corner splash and a clothesline. He then lifts Otunga up and hits Attitude Adjustment on Otunga. He then applies the STF and Otunga taps.

[Winner via Submission: John Cena]
[Time: 1:20]

Suddenly Curt Hawkins, Tyler Reks, Darren Young and Titus O’Neil come out and start beating up Cena. Sheamus runs out and helps Cena by taking Laurinaitis’ allies out.

Laurinaitis yells at the four intruders. He didn’t give them permission to do that! Get back in the locker room!

They head to the back.

John, Sheamus, looks like the audience likes to see them in action. In the name of “people power” they’re going to be in a tag match tonight. No…they’ll be teaming in a two on three handicap match. Wait…for the first time ever on Raw, they’ll be in a two on three handicap LUMBERJACK match.

Laurinaitis gets back in his scooter and rides off while Cena and Sheamus talk in the ring.

Tonight, Randy Orton takes on Alberto Del Rio. Plus, Daniel Bryan calls out CM Punk over the controversial ending to their match last night.


Justin Roberts introduces Ricardo Rodriguez.

United States champion Santino Marella comes out and heads to the ring.

Santino apologizes for coming out, but he has to tell him. He’s been listening to Ricardo for some time now, and he can’t understand nothing he says. His accent is ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as his eyebrows! They look like caterpillars. He’s beginning to think he knows nothing about the art of introduction-ing. He doesn’t even roll his R’s. Try it!

Ricardo does a poor rolling of the R’s.

That sucked.

Ricardo and Santino start trading R rolls until Santino scares him with the cobra.

It’s not even a real cobra, stupid! it’s attached to his arm.

He then hits Ricardo with The Cobra. He gives Alberto’s introduction.

He’s the only man who drove his car directly into the building tonight. Weighing 180 kilograms from some place in Mexico, Alberto Del Rrrrrrrrrrrrr…..rrrrrrrrrrio!

While we wait for Alberto to come out a video plays mentioning that Raw’s 1000th episode will be July 23rd. It’ll be three hours long, and from then on every episode of Raw will be three hours!

Alberto Del Rio eventually comes out, this time driving a 1991 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud. He heads to the ring and gives Santino an evil glare. Santino exits the ring and heads to the back.


Randy Orton comes out as Del Rio’s opponent.

[Match #2]
[Singles Match]
[Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio]

The bell sounds. They grapple. Del Rio puts Orton up against the turnbuckle. Orton fights back with lefts and rights. Del Rio counters with shoulder attacks. Orton quickly counters Del Rio with shoulder attacks of his own. Orton takes Rio to the turnbuckle and get a five count of punches. Del Rio gets on the apron. Orton goes for the DDT off the apron but Del Rio back body drops him on the apron before dropping his head on the top rope sending him out of the ring.


Del Rio continues to work on Orton’s arm. Orton tries to fight back but Alberto keeps Orton grounded with a shoulder breaker. Del Rio kicks Orton a couple times and applies an arm bar submission. Orton breaks out of it and Del Rio charges at him but Orton ducks and Del Rio slips out of the ring. Orton waits for Del Rio to get in before hitting two clotheslines and a powerslam. He puts Del Rio on the apron and hits the DDT off it. Orton sets Del Rio up for the RKO, but Jericho suddenly dashes into the ring and hits Orton witb The Codebreaker. Del Rio is disqualified.

[Winner via Disqualification: Randy Orton]
[Time: 07:20]

Jericho stands over Orton for a moment before grabbing a microphone.

He…is the best…in the world…at what he does. He is the BEST in the WORLD at WHAT HE DOES! Does he understand? He is the BEST in the WORLD AT EVERYTHING HE DOES!

Orton gets up and Jericho hits a second Codebreaker.

Does he understand what he’s saying to him? Huh? HUH?! He’s the best in the world!

Jericho goes to leave, but stop and gets back in the ring. He picks Orton up by the head and says something to him before hitting a third Codebreaker. Jericho finally leaves the ring.

Later tonight, Cena and Sheamus compete in a three on two handicap lumberjack match.

Backstage, Daniel Bryan is heading to the ring for his confrontation with CM Punk.


Daniel Bryan comes out and heads to the ring.

Last night, at Over The Limit, a great injustice was done. He should be standing in front of them as the new WWE Champion. If they missed Over The Limit, don’t take his word for it, see for yourselves!

Footage is shown of Punk tapping while pinning Bryan.

Now, question and answer time with Daniel Bryan. Did he make CM Punk tap out? Yes! Should he be the WWE Champion? Yes! If he faces CM Punk one more time, will he make him tap out again? YES! YES! YES! YES!

The only reason he is not the WWE Champion right now is because of the gross incompetence of one referee, and he demands a rematch!

WWE Champion CM Punk comes out and heads to the ring.

Please, please allow him to clear up any controversy from last night. It was one of the greatest battles he’s ever had, so thanks for that. But he’s forgetting one thing. He pinned him 1,2,3 in the ring. He would like to remind him what happened last Friday on Smackdown.

Footage is shown of Bryan almost about to hit Punk with the chair, but instead he hits Kane allowing Kane, who thought Punk hit him, to beat him up with the chair afterwards.

It’s pretty clever, and he’s ashamed he fell for it. And he would love nothing more than to introduce Bryan’s opponent for this week.

Kane comes out and heads to the ring as Punk heads to commentary.

[Match #3]
[Singles Match]
[Kane vs. Daniel Bryan]

The bell sounds. Kane attacks Bryan with a throat jab. Kane unleashes blows upon Bryan before whipping him into the turnbuckle and clotheslining him. Bryan stuns Kane momentarily and climbs to the top of the turnbuckle. He leaps off and Kane goes for a chokeslam. Bryan slips out and uses the ropes to knock Kane out of the ring. Bryan then jumps over the ropes and goes after him. Punk gets up from the announce table and grabs a chair. He looks like he’s going to hit Bryan, but he instead goes to hit Kane with it like Bryan did last week. Bryan stops him and grabs the chair before he can do so. Kane sees Bryan with the chair, grabs it from him, and starts smacking him in the back with it over and over again leading to Kane being disqualified.

[Winner via Disqualification: Daniel Bryan]
[Time: 01:49]

After the match, Kane tosses Bryan into the ring and chokeslams him. He picks Bryan up again and chokeslams him a second time before leaving the ring. Punk leaves the announce table to check on Bryan. Punk stands over Bryan and asks him if he’s okay. He then applies the Anaconda Vice and Daniel Bryan is tapping out. Punk lets go and playfully pats Bryan on the shoulder before shouting “YES!”

Cena and Sheamus in a two on three handicap lumberjack match is our main event.


Punk is backstage. AJ catches up with him.

She has something to tell him.

She wants to say that she’s crazy?

No. She’s just glad that he beat up Bryan.

Okay, so she’s not crazy, she’s just sadistic.

AJ smells Punk and Punk looks freaked out.

She’s losing it.

AJ suddenly starts crying. Punk tells her not to cry and consoles her before saying that he digs crazy chicks.

A clip is shown of last week when Triple H put his hands on Paul Heyman and Heyman threatened lawsuits from both Brock Lesnar and himself.

Justin Roberts introduces the new Intercontinental champion Christian.

Christian comes out and heads to the ring. Up next, Christian will be in action.


Jinder Mahal, his opponent, comes out to compete.

[Match #4]
[Singles Match]
[Christian vs. Jinder Mahal]

The bell sounds. They grapple and Mahal is on the offensive first. He goes for a powerslam but Christian counters with a reverse DDT. Christian climbs the turnbuckle and hits a dropkick. Mahal gets on the apron and throws Christian out of the ring with a back body drop. He places Christian’s head on the apron and drops an elbow on the neck. He then drives knees to the chest. Mahal with a double underhook suplex. He applies a head an arm submission. Christian fights back but Mahal sends Christian into the turnbuckle. Christian jumps up the turnbuckle and hits a sunset flip for a two count. Christian with a clothesline to Mahal. Christian hops over the top rope and punches Mahal in the face. Christian sets up for the Killswitch, but Mahal counters it and goes for a back suplex. Christian back flips out of it and goes off the ropes, but Mahal catches him with a running knee to the face. Mahal goes for a camel clutch, but Christian powers back to his feet and hits The Killswitch. He then climbs to the top and hits a frog splash off the top for the three count.

[Winner via Pinfall: Christian]
[Time: 03:12]

Up next, Kelly Kelly will be in action against Beth Phoenix.


[Match #5]
[Singles Match]
[Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix]

The bell sounds. Beth tackles Kelly down and punches and kicks her. She picks up Kelly and body slams her, then drops an elbow. Beth with a leg drop.

Backstage, Divas Champion Layla is watching the match.

Kelly fights back with lefts and rights. She then hits a hurricarana. Beth stops the offensive with a clothesline. She then rubs Kelly’s face against the mat, lifts her up by the hair and slams her down. She picks Kelly up and whips her into the turnbuckle. She goes for a body splash but misses. Kelly with a Lou Thez press. Kelly goes off the ropes and hits a spinning head scissors that knocks Beth into a turnbuckle. Kelly runs at Beth and cartwheels into an elbow, but Beth avoids it by clubbing her in the back of the neck. He then picks up Kelly and hits the Glam Slam for the pin.

[Winner via Pinfall: Beth Phoenix]
[Time: 02:27]

Backstage, Laurinaitis is wheeling to the ring to watch the upcoming match.


World Champion Sheamus comes out for his match.

John Cena comes out as his partner.

Vickie Guerrero comes out.

She says she’s glad to still be part of the “people power” era. She is honored to introduce the team that will teach John Cena and Sheamus to respect authority, Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler!

Swagger and Ziggler come out and do some posing.

Their partner, Lord Tensai, comes out next with Sakamoto. They head to the ring.

Members of the WWE roster who side with Mr. Laurinaitis come out as the lumberjacks.

[Match #6]
[Two on Three Handicap Lumberjack Match]
[John Cena and Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, and Lord Tensai]

Sheamus and Ziggler start off as the bell sounds. Sheamus takes Ziggler down with a snapmare. Ziggler fights back with a dropkick. He goes for a running attack but Sheamus flapjacks him.

John Laurinaitis appears on the ramp to watch the match.

Sheamus tags Cena. Ziggler tags Swagger. Swagger with a take down followed by some push ups. Cena knocks Swagger off his feet with a clothesline. Swagger tags in Tensai. Tensai and Cena meet up and Tensai knocks Cena down. Tensai clobbers Cena against the turnbuckle before tagging Swagger back in. Swagger whips Cena into the opposite turnbuckle and goes for the Swagger bomb, but he misses. Cena tags in Sheamus. Sheamus with clubbing clotheslines to Swagger followed by a shoulder tackle and a powerslam. Ziggler tries to interfere and Sheamus throws him out of the ring. Tensai gets in the ring and he and Sheamus fight it out. Tensai knocks Sheamus out of the ring. The lumberjacks beat up Sheamus but Sheamus fights them off. One of the lumberjacks, Jericho, pulls at Sheamus’ leg allowing Tensai to drop an elbow on him. Tensai headbutts Sheamus and tags back in Swagger.

Swagger with kicks to the head of Sheamus. Swagger tags Tensai back in. Tensai cranks Sheamus’ neck.


Sheamus and Swagger are in the ring. Swagger has Sheamus in the anklelock. Tensai tags in and kicks Sheamus. He picks him up and Sheamus fights back. Tensai whips Sheamus into the turnbuckle to stop momentum. Tensai runs and hits a body splash on Sheamus. Tensai kicks Sheamus out of the ring. The lumberjacks beat up Sheamus, and Sheamus fights them off before heading back in the ring. Tensai lands a few headbutts, then drives a foot into Sheamus’ throat. He tags Swagger in. Sheamus grabs Swagger by the hair and punches him off. Swagger with a drop toe hold followed by a guillotine choke. He rolls Sheamus to his corner and tags Ziggler in. Ziggler grabs Sheamus but Sheamus counters. He goes for Celtic Cross, but Ziggler slides down and clips Sheamus’ leg. He then hits the leg drop bulldog. Sheamus tries to crawl towards Cena but Ziggler pulls him away by the leg. Ziggler tags Swagger in and Swagger keeps Sheamus down. Sheamus with a Swagger Bomb and Sheamus kicks out.

Big Show appears on top of the ramp and watches.

Swagger gets Sheamus up, but Sheamus headbutts him down. Swagger wraps his arms around Sheamus’ waist to keep him grounded. Swagger holds Sheamus against the ropes while Ziggler kicks him in the head. Swagger pushes Sheamus into their corner and tags Tensai in. Tensai lands some punches to Sheamus. Sheamus fights back with rights of his own, but Tensai gains control with a slam and a leg drop. Tensai tags Ziggler in. Ziggler drives a foot in Sheamus’ throat before tagging Swagger in. Sheamus punches away Ziggler, Tensai, and Swagger. He then picks up Swagger and hits a rolling senton. He goes to Cena and tags him in. Cena with shoulder tackles with Ziggler. Then he hits the inverted powerbomb. Cena runs off the ropes, but stops and helps Sheamus deal with the lumberjacks. The lumberjacks get into the ring and start beating up Sheamus and Cena. Over a dozen superstars beat down Sheamus and Cena.

[Winner: No Contest]

The rest of the locker room comes out and starts brawling with the lumberjacks. The entire Raw locker room is fighting in the ring at once. Cena leaves the ring and is looking for Big Show who has left the ringside area.

Cena heads to the back and confront Laurinaitis.

Where is Big Show?

He doesn’t know. And Cena can’t touch him or else he’s fired!

Laurinaitis leaves Cena. Cena turns around and Big Show comes out of nowhere with a Knock Out Punch. Show walks over Cena and leaves as the show comes to an end.

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