Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins (with Joey Mercury & Jamie Noble)
From there, Roman Reigns’ music hits and he makes his way to the ring through the crowd. Reigns poses in the ring as we head to a commercial. Reigns vs. Seth Rollins is next on the final RAW of 2014.
When we return from the break, Big Show comes to the ring. The announcers talk about how Reigns is set to face Rollins but Big Show is coming out. Big Show joins them on commentary for this match as Reigns watches on. From there, Seth Rollins’ theme hits and out he comes with Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble.
The music stops, the smoke clears and the bell rings. It’s time for Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins, one-on-one, here on RAW. The two lock up and Rollins hits the ropes. He runs into a big shoulder block from Reigns that knocks him out to the floor. Big Show complains about Reigns on commentary.
The action resumes in the ring and Reigns is in clear control of the offense now. Big Show continues to bitch about him on commentary.
Reigns and Rollins battle out to the floor again. Reigns delivers some punishment to Rollins and the action returns in the ring. Rollins catches Reigns coming in the ring with some stomps and then clotheslines him down. He stomps away at him some more and is clearly in control of the offense now.
Big Show sucks up to Rollins, calling him a star on commentary and saying Reigns just wants to be a star. Rollins gets caught by Reigns finally, with Reigns scooping him up off the mat and in one motion, picking him up and slamming him back down. Rollins rolls out to the floor but Reigns comes out and gets him.
Finally, Rollins’ securitty team, Mercury and Noble, distract Reigns, allowing Rollins to knock him out to the floor. Reigns is down now as we head to a mid-match commercial break.
We’re back from the break and we see Rollins holding Reigns in a headlock on the mat. Reigns fights his way out but Rollins remains in control of the match. Big Show continues to kiss his butt on commentary.
Rollins continues to dominate for quite a while, with Reigns getting in an occasional hope spot, but Rollins ultimately cutting his attempts short and remaining in control. Rollins goes for the Curb Stomp but Reigns avoids it and hits the Superman Punch. He waits for Rollins to get up to hit him with a spear, but Big Show leaves the commentary table and nails Reigns from behind. The slams him into the announce table on the floor.
Rollins leaves with Mercury and Noble and Big Show leaves as well, all the while Reigns is still down and out in the broken mess of the announce table. The doctors are now checking on Reigns. The replays show Big Show slamming Reigns into the announce table and then dumping the announce table completely upside down on top of Reigns. The doctors are checking on Reigns as we fade into a commercial break.
Winner via DQ: Roman Reigns
Backstage: Seth Rollins Hypes Cutting Edge Peep Show
When we return from the break, we see replays of Big Show’s attack of Roman Reigns from moments ago. The announcers continue to sell it as a serious health issue for Reigns. They show that during the commercial break, the doctors had to slowly help him to his feet.
From there, we shoot backstage where Rollins is bragging with Big Show, Mercury and Noble. He tells Mercury and Noble to spread the word that on tonight’s Cutting Edge Peep Show he’s going to propose a toast and he’s going to invite John Cena. He tells them to go tell the world.
Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose Hype
A very lengthy, well-produced vignette airs showing the history of the Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose feud and how it has become personal with Wyatt talking about Ambrose’s family and his past.
From there, we shoot backstage where we see Bray Wyatt sitting in an ambulance cutting a promo after a graphic airs that reveals an ambulance match between Wyatt and Ambrose for next week’s RAW.
Daniel Bryan’s Announcement
Backstage, we see a bunch of the wrestlers hugging Daniel Bryan as we head to commercial and we see him heading towards the ring to talk about his crossroads announcement.
He makes his way to the ring to a big “Yes!” chant and is clearly emotional. He talks about how he defied the odds and headlined WrestleMania and won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. He talks about having the best week of his life and then his father died. He talks about other big moments and then talks about some big moments he couldn’t be around for because of his health.
He continues talking about his injury and how he talked to other guys who have had similar career-ending type injuries. He says you get to a point where you have to make a decision and the fans start chanting “No! No! No!” Bryan continues, saying you get to a point where you have to decide if all of this is worth it or not. He says, “Is my career over?” The fans chant “No! No! No!” Bryan says “No.”
He says that is not the announxcement he is here to make. He says the announcement he is here to make is that he will be competing in the 2015 Royal Rumble. He leads the fans in an ENORMOUS “Yes! Yes! Yes!” chant. We head to commercial.